Africa-Asia Youth Forum 2023


O-YES Global Foundation would like granted awards to the individuals and organizations in recognition of important contributions/an exemplary success in voluntarily improving the quality of life of the youth in different categories. This award will bear the logo as well as the signature of the key partners of the Africa-Asia Youth Forum(Representative of government, Embassy, Business Company, or NGO).

The winning entries will be profiled on the O-YES website, social Media and in other communication materials. The organization winning the award will be presented with an engraved trophy and may be given the opportunity to make a short presentation describing the initiative at the Africa-Asia Youth Forum 2023. In addition, the winner will receive certificates in recognition of their commitment.

This award is open for all age and organizations that are working ONLY on youth empowerment and development.
Only applications that are completed and submitted in their entirety by the posted deadline will be reviewed by the committee. Adherence to the posted deadlines will be strictly enforced by committee. Submissions should include a completed nomination form and a written statement addressing how the nominee has met the criteria. Letters of support should be provided.
All supporting documentation is single-spaced with 12-point font.
All supporting documentation is combined and attached to application as one pdf document.
Failure to adhere to all required components and instructions will result in rejection of the nomination.

Note: Self-nominations are welcome. Attending the Africa-Asia Youth Forum is a MUST to receive the award.

For Individual Nomination
For Organization Nomination