Africa-Asia Youth Forum 2023



O-YES Global Foundation, a registered youth lead, non-profit and non-Government global organization hosted the 1st Edition of Africa-Asia Youth Forum (AAYF 2022) under the theme of “Youth Roles in Ensuring a Sustainable Africa-Asia Partnership" on four main topics, Entrepreneurship (Innovation & Creativity), Agriculture, Leadership, and Peace at Skylight Hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from the 28th – 30th of July 2022 in partnership with the government of Ethiopia whereas the FDRE Ministry of Women and Social Affairs, and Ministry of Labor and Skills were the key partners.

This year O-YES Global Foundation will host the 2nd Edition of the Africa-Asia Youth Forum (AAYF 2023) focusing on Four Sustainable Development Goals -SDGs (Goal 3, 8, 13, and 16 ) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from the 12th – 13th of June 2023, which aims to gather together 500 outstanding young ealth Professional, Environmental Defenders, Investors, Entrepreneurs, Students, Leaders, and Peace Advocates and eminent personalities (as keynote speakers, panelist, moderators and guests of honors) from youth organizations, financial institution, educational institutions, governmental, non-governmental and inter-governmental organizations in Africa and Asia. The representatives from other continents will also be invited to partake at this historical forum.

What is AAYF?

AAYF is a sustainable inter-continental Youth empowerment and development platform that aims to connect and engage Africa and Asia young game changers and innovators through keynote speaking, presentations, workshops and facilitated discussions to explore, ideate, collaborate, and generate new approaches that respond to their ever-changing needs, challenges, and aspirations, and play their indispensable roles in contributing towards SDGs achievement through utilizing their energy, creative ideas, technologies, and inter-connectedness that catalyze a comprehensive transformation for better Africa-Asia partnership.

AAYF-2023 Thematic Areas

Participants will have the opportunity to explore key topics and share ideas, skills, knowledge, and experiences among themselves and from invited guest honors, world class speakers, mentors, and facilitators from AAYF 2023, a two-day program that mainly focuses on the youth and SD Goal 3,8,13, and16:

Youth Health                                      Youth Economic Empowerment 

Youth in Climate Change              Youth in Peace and Resilience Building

Who Should Attend AAYF-2023?

The primary target audience for AAYF-2023 will outstanding young Health Professional, Environmental Defenders, Investors, Entrepreneurs, Students, Leaders, and Peace Advocates from various public/governmental and private/non-governmental organizations/institutions in Africa and Asia.
The higher governmental officials, financial institution CEOs, diplomats, educational institutions representatives, UN officials, Africa Union officials, businessmen/women, investors, and other prominent public figures as well as the representatives from other continents will also be invited to partake at AAYF-2023 in the capital of Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
It is anticipated that up to 150 outstanding international delegates and 350 local youth in person participants, over 500 virtual participants, 20 speakers/mentors and 50 invited guests, approximately over 1,070 participants will participate in this mega event from over 50 countries.


Participant Selection and Eligibility Criteria
The application will be open until  25 May 2023 05:00 pm EAT. The selected applicants will be notified in three working days and letter of acceptance will be sent as soon as the registration fee payment proof sent to the organizing committee. Detailed information about their participation and the agenda will be available by 30 May 2023 at 05:00 pm EAT.
The selection of participants will be based on the following criteria:
• Must be interested in AAYF 2023 focus areas.
• Must pay the required registration fee.
• Must be 18 and 35 years old.
• Free from any crime or illegal activities and eligible to get Ethiopia Visa.
• Proficiency in English is required for all participants.
• Must demonstrate commitment to SDGs engagement as an advocate or a practitioner in the area.
• Youth participants affiliated with a youth-led organization, network or movement are highly encouraged to apply.
• The participants who wish to participate in the event from abroad must cover their own expenses for transportation to and from the venue (accommodation and meals provided by organizer).
• The organizer will select a maximum of 150 international delegates and 350 local participants based on their motivation, capacities and English proficiency while considering gender and geographical balance.

How to Apply

Applicants are expected to fill out the application form online with their personal information, educational and professional background attaching a:
• Statement briefly detailing why they want to participate in the AAYF 2023, highlighting the role of the youth in achieving SDGs in Africa and Asia,
• A copy of passport
• A curriculum Vitae.
All applications should be completed through this link:

About AAYF-2023 Host

O-YES Global Foundation is a youth lead, non- profit and non-Government global organization founded on the 19th of August 2014 in Thailand and 28th of October 2019 in Ethiopia to support and empower youth by designing and implementing youth-focused development programs and initiatives in partnership with local communities, governments, International Organizations & other stakeholders that are working or willing to work for the causes of youth at all levels.

O-YES is a vibrant youth organization that envisions educated, empowered, prosperous and self-sustaining youths across the country. For 7 years, our sole focus has been to help young people succeed. Together with partners around the world, we have invested in ensuring that youth are educated, develop the leadership, entrepreneurship, technical, and life skills to earn a livelihood. Whether it is landing a first job, growing a business, or driving social change, every young person deserves the opportunity to realize his or her full potential.

Rooted in the belief of youth as problem-solvers, change-makers, and leaders, our initiatives are catalysts for change. O-YES harness and develop the power of young people, by effectively involving them in direct implementation of the core activities that develops their skills, enabling them become self-reliance and sustainable people in community service and development. We engage young people in a constructive manner enabling them initiative and build their ideas, develop prototype, test, and develop products/-services that meet their needs and help reduce the problems and challenges that they most faced in their country.

O-YES delivers its activities through the power and spirit of volunteerism and collective fund-raising approach to produce empowered and developed youth and thriving society in general.


Youth Health 

Youth Economic Empowerment

Youth in Peace and Resilience Building

Youth in Climate Change

ln Person Participants
International Delegates
Local Delegates
World Class Speakers/Panelists
Virtual Participants
0 +
0 +
National and International Medias
0 +


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